The up-side to that is elbow room. I cannot stress how important this feature is in living with 5 teens and 1 preteen.
The downside is the sheer volume of stuff that a big house can accomodate.
If you have even one child, I want you to imagine for a minute how much stuff that child brings into your house in a year's time.
Think birthday party goodie bags. Think stocking stuffers. Think Christmas gifts and birthday gifts and little trinkets from classmates at Valentine's Day and little pressies from their Easter baskets and stuff they've bought with their allowance money like vacation souvenirs and stuff from the school book fairs and holiday shops and trips to the drug store and toy store and grocery store and little prizes from the teacher and the soccer coach and the gymnastics winter show participation medal or the mediocre attendance certificate and the little pretties he or she finds when out on a walk like that really cool rock or that stick shaped like the letter Y or that pretty flower or huge pinecone or tiny acorn and let's not forget about all the beautiful pictures that were drawn or painted or printed off the computer or ripped out of a coloring book or the creative PlayDoh creations or Lego constructs or .....
Yeah. All that.
For ONE child.
I get to multiply that by six.
I know. Whine whine whine. I'm the one who decided to have all these kids, so I need to just hush up.
Anyway, all that stuff mentioned above? It finds its way into every crack and crevice of our home. Till finally the day comes when I shout
and it's time to SORT.
So I have everyone fill a box (or ten) with stuff from their rooms and bring it down to the dining room where it sits and ferments for a couple weeks till I can muster the courage to go through it all.
So now I have bins and boxes scattered about the room with labels for Goodwill and the mission, and Planet Aid, and the attic, and huge lawn and leaf trash bags that are getting filled to bursting.
Think I'll finish before company comes for Easter next weekend?
Or should I just take the quicker route and throw a match in the room?
She's no help. No help at all.
Give me strength for this task. Just a click of this button helps me more than you can know. Thanks!