
Friday, July 26, 2013

Farm Friday: I'm a Baby Killer!

Ohhhh, what has become of me? **gnashes teeth**

Who am I? **drops to knees and pulls hair**

I killed babies today.

They were baby rats, but nevertheless, they were babies, and I killed them!

Well, truth be told, I didn't actually do the killing. I had my hit man, girl, rat terrier do it.

See, Julie and I were doing some work in the barn, and we moved this big honkin' metal thing that weighed a ton if it weighed an ounce, and out scurried this big ol' (ewwww) rat. Cindy (the rat terrier) gave chase and, well, I'd rather not say how it ended for said rat.

Then she ran back over to the big honkin' metal thing and quick as a jack rabbit, out she came with this tiny little thing in her jaws. It was a baby rat, probably not more than a few days old. Dead, of course. And I actually felt sad. These barn rats are the scourge of my existence, but I'm so screwed up I felt SAD that this widdle biddy baby was killed.

But before I could generate any tears, off Cindy ran back behind The Thing again, and I went over and looked and there was a whole nest of them. Probably close to a dozen. Did I call her off and place them all in a shoebox with some cotton wadding?

Image source

(I didn't take this picture, but this is pretty much what they looked like)

I'd be lying if I said the thought didn't cross my mind.

But for once in my life I did the smart, responsible thing when it came to animals.

I sicced my dog on them.

I figured, one crunch to the head and they're gone, pretty quick.

I didn't know what else to do.

I mean, I certainly couldn't facilitate baby rats growing up into adult rats to be killed by me or one of my kids another day.

And left to their own devices with no mother they would die anyway, only it would take a lot longer.

But I killed babies, oh my GOD!

Anyway, I will have to find a way to live on. 

One foot in front of the other, as they say.

And I do have some LIVE babies on the farm that I am not killing.

And they are extremely cute.

I will show you a picture when my phone camera and my computer decide they can talk to one another again.


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  1. OH MYY.. poor babies. i mean of course you had to do it.. but oh.. I know how ya feel! but take this way - it's just nature. that's how it is. you had to it. and what's done - it's done. now move on!

  2. I think you've gotta focus on the fact that they would've died anyway without Mumma Rat...I do want to see the other babies though!!

  3. Oh I'm going to have nightmares after seeing that photo. I HATE RATS. They're going to be in my dreams, having grown to about 2' tall each one and coming after me. lol

    1. They'll be in my dreams, too, but with my luck I'll probably be breastfeeding them or some such horrific nonsense.

  4. Could I borrow Cindy for a while? I also hate rats and I think I have some in my garden!

    1. I'll give credit where credit is due -- she's good at her job!

  5. Totally understand, you did what you had to do...Just hate when we have to do take care of business... :) I would have been screaming for my husband...I have to leave and let him do the deed...I am such a chicken!!!!

    1. Excellent solution, Diane! Note to self for future....

  6. I join the ranks of baby killers except my nightmare is squirrels, I hate those bushy tailed rodents that invade my garden and chicken runs.

    1. I would take 100 squirrels over one rat. Better a bushy tail than a naked one. **Shudder**

  7. I totally understand but it is so much better not to have the nasty rats running around. Much safer for all with you terrier doing her job and taking care of them for you.

    1. I agree completely, Heather. But still .... wahhhh!

  8. They are cute, aren't they? But they wouldn't be in a very short time so you really didn't have a choice unless you wanted to start keeping pet rats.

    1. How right you are, Kathy. Thanks for the confidence!

  9. Circle of life. It's a brutal circle, ain't it? When my dog gets a rabbit or squirrel I CRINGE. But then look at the crazy happy look on her face, "Aren't you PROUD of me?" and I get over it.

    1. Are you channeling Timone and Pumba, Joan? Hahaha! It is brutal, but necessary. Thanks for stopping by!
